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Designed & Made in Singapore

Celebrate The Little Things In Life

At Home With Tomomi

Mon, 2020-12-28


Social distancing may keep us apart, but we can find intimacy and hope in sharing our stories. We recently had a chance to get to know Tomomi and her family a bit better. The family of four lived in various countries including Japan, US, and Australia, where they were before making Singapore their home. We spoke with her about enjoying the unexpected and what she’s learnt from their journey.

Tell us a little about you!

We're a melting pot of a family, each born in separate countries, but we are very happy to have settled in our home in Singapore.

What are three things you can’t live without?

Our kids, coffee, and blankets.

Are you surprised how life has turned out?

We always heard good things and admired Singapore before moving here, so it's no surprise we got here eventually.

However, as parents, it is surprising to hear our children speaking Mandarin, and hearing them "flip a switch" to speak Singlish.

“Nothing is perfect, so be open to options. Sometimes the unexpected ends up bringing you your biggest joys.”

As a family, you’ve taken some big steps on where to live and what to expect, what guides these decisions?

Before kids, a sense of adventure and fun. Since having kids, we focus on what's best for them to keep them healthy, safe, and surrounded by good energy. We've learned that there is good in everywhere you can live, but also that you leave behind some favourite things in places you've previously lived.

How do you deal with change and uncertainty?

We're split 50/50 as a family. Daddy and the youngest one are very "go with the flow", and take changes as they come. Mommy and the older one prefer to have things stick to a plan. It's a good balance.

What are some of your most valuable lessons?

Nothing is perfect, so be open to options. Sometimes the unexpected ends up bringing you your biggest joys. Cuddle your kids as much as you can when they are young, because they start to resist the older they get. 

What are the little things keeping you positive and hopeful?

Good night hugs and kisses from the kids. Finding a new coffee shop or good bowl of ramen. 

What are the little things you’re grateful for?

Our health, being able to stay connected with our friends, and our lasting hope for the future. 

Special Thanks to Brian, Tomomi, Sora & Nami


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